Creating an Ergonomic and Comfortable Lactation Room for Nursing Mothers in the Workplace

Sayyara Rustamov
by Sayyara Rustamov
October 25, 2023

As our understanding of employee wellness expands, there is a growing recognition of the necessity to provide nursing mothers with comfortable, ergonomic spaces to express milk during working hours. These lactation rooms are more than just a legal requirement; they represent a fundamental step toward creating an inclusive and supportive work environment. Providing such facilities can lead to positive outcomes including increased loyalty, productivity, and overall employee satisfaction. Offering a private, secure space underscores an organization's commitment to supporting the diverse needs of its workforce.

Well-designed lactation rooms yield multiple benefits to businesses. From improving employee wellness to complying with regulations, lactation rooms are a key component to a modern workplace. Here are some of the ways in which a well-designed lactation room can benefit both employees and employers:

  • Improved Employee Wellness. Having access to a designated space for expressing milk can significantly reduce stress levels for nursing mothers. The American Psychological Association recognizes that stress can negatively impact an employee's overall well-being, including their productivity and job satisfaction. Providing a comfortable and private lactation room can help alleviate the pressure and anxiety of balancing work and motherhood.
  • Increased Productivity. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), workplaces that provide support for breastfeeding mothers see an increase in productivity. This is due to lower absenteeism rates, improved job satisfaction, and reduced turnover among nursing mothers. A well-designed lactation room can also help employees return to work sooner after maternity leave, thus minimizing disruption and maintaining productivity.
  • Boosted Employee Satisfaction. Providing a lactation room shows that an organization values its employees and supports their well-being. This can lead to increased loyalty and job satisfaction among nursing mothers. It can also contribute to a more positive company culture overall, as other employees see the organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion.
  • Ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACH), employers are obliged to provide reasonable break time and a private space for mothers to pump milk. By having a well-designed lactation room, employers can ensure they are meeting this legal requirement and avoid potential legal consequences.
  • Attract and Retain Top Talent. Organizations that offer comprehensive benefits, including lactation rooms, have an advantage when it comes to attracting top talent. In today's competitive job market, employees are looking for more than just salary and basic benefits. Providing a comfortable and supportive work environment can help organizations stand out and attract and retain top candidates.
  • Provide a Sense of Inclusivity and Reinforce a Positive Company Culture. Additionally, lactation rooms are a testament to an organization's commitment to inclusivity and diversity, fostering a positive company image.

Ergonomics and Nursing

Ergonomically designed lactation rooms can significantly improve the experience for nursing mothers by reducing physical strain and discomfort. Ergonomics is the study of people's efficiency in their working environment, and applying these principles to the design of a lactation room promotes comfort and ease of use.

Poor ergonomics during breastfeeding can have significant long-term effects on the health of nursing mothers. Concerns include musculoskeletal disorders, repetitive strain injuries, and vision-related issues. Implementing ergonomic solutions in lactation rooms is crucial for ensuring the comfort and health of nursing mothers in the workplace.

Essential Components of a Well-Designed Lactation Room

  1. Comfortable Seating: The importance of comfortable seating in a lactation room cannot be overstated. An ergonomically designed chair that provides excellent back support is essential. The chair should be adjustable to accommodate various postures and should include armrests to support the arms while holding a pump or baby.
  2. Proper Lighting: Adequate lighting is critical in a lactation room. Lighting should be adjustable, allowing users to tailor the brightness to their needs. Task lighting, in particular, is useful for mothers who need to assemble pump parts or handle containers of milk. However, the room should also offer options for softer, more relaxing lighting to create a comfortable, calming environment.
  3. Noise Reduction: Noise reduction is a vital feature in a lactation room. The room should be as quiet as possible to create a private, stress-free environment. Consider installing soundproofing materials or use quiet appliances to reduce noise output. This contributes to a peaceful atmosphere where mothers can relax while pumping.
  4. Ventilation: Proper ventilation is another key component of a well-designed lactation room. Good air quality and a comfortable room temperature can help mothers relax and may even improve milk flow. Provide a way to adjust the room's temperature and consider installing air purifiers to maintain clean air within the room.

Lactation Room Products

These products are designed with ergonomics in mind, promoting ease of use and addressing specific challenges that mothers may encounter during breastfeeding.


Mamava Solo

The Mamava Solo is a compact, all-in-one lactation solution tailor-made for workplaces. By offering an integrated, private space for nursing mothers, the Mamava Solo embodies convenience, comfort, and practicality. It's designed for pumping at work, is easy to move, and comes in two models.


Nessel Lactation Station

The Nessel Lactation Station is a premium, ergonomic solution designed to meet the needs of nursing mothers in the workplace. Its design comprises comfortable seating, adjustable tables, and adequate lighting, ensuring the utmost comfort during breastfeeding. It instantly creates the perfect lactation room.


Nessel Lactation Pod

The Nessel Lactation Pod is an innovative solution for nursing mothers in the workplace. This portable, private space is meticulously designed with the highest standards of comfort and convenience in mind. It comes in several models, offering options for soundproofing, plumbing and refrigeration, and ADA compliance.



Haworth Archibald Lounge and Larkin Table

For one of our client projects, we are building a lactation room that features two products from Haworth: Archibald Modern Leather Lounge combined with Larkin Laptop Table. The arms of the Archibald lounge chair are low enough to allow the Larkin laptop table to fit and provide a secure place for the pump.

Supporting Nursing Mothers

Nursing mothers provide first-hand experience and valuable insights that can significantly improve the design and functionality of lactation rooms. Encouraging their input, through communication platforms such as surveys or focus groups, can help identify their specific needs and preferences. This feedback can then be used to refine the design of the lactation room, ensuring it is more than just a space, but a sanctuary that supports and enhances the overall breastfeeding experience.

The thoughtful design of lactation rooms, with an emphasis on ergonomics and comfort, greatly supports nursing mothers in the workplace. By incorporating feedback from these mothers, we can foster environments that not only meet their practical needs but also contribute to a positive and supportive work experience.


This article emphasizes the importance of ergonomic design in lactation rooms at workplaces to support nursing mothers' physical health and well-being. 

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