Unisource Solutions Blog

Declutter Your Workplace for Maximum Productivity

Written by Wendy (Kastner) Jacobs | November 12, 2018

Research shows that having an organized, decluttered space can have a positive impact on our lives. However, living a pared-down life is challenging for many. And not only for individuals, but also for companies. Just as people acquire material things over the years, so do organizations. As we’re nearing the end of 2018, it’s time to figure out what can stay and what can go.

While assessing your inventory, be mindful of what product you actually need. If you downsized but think business will boom again, consider storing product that is not in use. If you have excess furniture, work with a local furniture wholesaler that has warehouse facilities. They’ll know how to properly store and track your pieces for safe use in the future. And don’t be shy to store accessories such as cables, power strips and desk lamps. They too can create a cramped work environment that hinders productivity.

Decluttering also means assessing what works for you. Perhaps your company did a complete rebrand and your current inventory is no longer in-tune with the company messaging. Either sell it and use those proceeds towards your current furniture and office design budget, or donate the lot to a charity for tax savings. And if the pieces are junk, say good-bye and toss them. You may even want to consider giving employees first dibs — they might have just the place for that swivel chair in their home office.

Taking a temperature of your workplace needs will help you create a productive environment for all to thrive. Understanding your storage options will help ease the “store it or toss it” decision-making. And being true to your brand, will guide you to creating a fresh space that is on-message.


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