Demystifying Custom Office Furniture

Christine Scotti
by Christine Scotti
July 15, 2019


We are seeing the beginning of the golden age of custom office furniture. What used to be a luxury item, expensive and time consuming is now ubiquitous. As companies strive to create meaningful, inspiring workplaces, the furniture employees spend so much time with at work provides them with an emotional connection and a sense of place.

Related Download: Optimize Your Office Space (free ebook)

To many, custom furniture may seem out of budget. It may seem impossible to accommodate fast-track install projects. Or even, why bother with custom furniture? Is it really worth it? We are here to bust those myths and illustrate that custom furniture is here and ready to delivery impressive results.



Myth Bust 1: Custom is too costly.

With today’s technological advances and high demand for custom, what used to be price-prohibitive, is now competitive. At Platform, we have minimized the supply chain and are offering custom furniture direct to clients. By omitting the middleman and assigning a dedicated account team to your project, we are able to offer value pricing that can meet your budget.

Myth Bust 2: Custom takes too long.

Not with us! By working directly with us, we are able to shorten lead times. At Platform, we are involved in the entire custom design and manufacturing process. We oversee design and development each step of the way, giving us better control, allowing us to omit unnecessary delays, which equals on-time custom furniture delivery.

Myth Bust 3: Custom can’t make a difference in my office.

Companies that invest in their employees create a positive culture. In today’s highly competitive marketplace, differentiating your brand is required. This applies internally, as well. Custom furniture makes a bold and confident statement. Whether it’s personalizing lounge furniture with brand colors or showcasing a unique fabric or pattern that speaks to the tenets of your organization, custom furniture makes your office memorable and specific.

If you’re considering an office renovation or new build out, don’t overlook custom. We’d be happy to talk to you about your office furniture needs and answer any custom (or standard) questions you have.


For more information about custom furniture, contact us here:

Let's Talk Custom Furniture »

Tags: Platform by Unisource Solutions, Custom Furniture

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