Evolving Workplace Needs Require Corporate Agility

Rick Bartlett
by Rick Bartlett
January 24, 2019


Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of speaking with our bright colleagues at OfficeSpace Software — a facility management software provider that manages the blog Workplace Unplugged

Like us, they are focused on simplifying the process of providing effective solutions for companies’ workplace needs. We talked about how Unisource Solutions expanded and transitioned to meet today’s evolving workplace needs, discussed what makes a successful relocation project, and did a deep dive into agile office trends. Learn how we pivoted to include creative innovation services and why we adapted our business model to be be more agile and responsive. Below are the highlights:

  • Strategic pivot: We started Unisource Solutions as a corporate relocation and wholesale furniture company focused on executing clients’ workplace vision and furniture orders. About 10-15 years ago, we had a watershed moment and moved into a change agent role. Today, in addition to executing projects seamlessly, we are now more actively incorporating design and creative problem solving into our service offerings.
  • Balanced office informs business model: The workplace used to be a sea of cubicles. As it shifts into a more balanced office, so does our business model. To accommodate the agile office trend, we are focusing our attention on the ancillary furniture market. As a result, we launched our own product line Platform by Unisource Solutions to give us the tools to provide even greater value and service to our clients.
  • Efficient to effective: Companies are taking a people-centric approach to workplace design. As workspaces are shrinking, collaborative and activity-based work settings are increasing. Instead of trying to figure out how many workstations to fit into an office, we’re looking at how to make the office more effective. Our goal is to make work a much more engaging experience for the occupants in order to boost productivity, improve well-being and reduce employee turn-over

Read the full interview here »

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Tags: Design Trends, Agile Office, Company News and Events, Corporate

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