Workplace Resolutions: Designing Healthy Office Habits

Wendy (Kastner) Jacobs
by Wendy (Kastner) Jacobs
January 07, 2019

It’s a new year. And with the new year, comes new resolutions. While most of us aspire to get in shape and eat healthier, we often overlook how our workplace environment can help us achieve our goals. As workplace designers and furniture providers, we strive to provide design solutions and products to enhance the work environment while creating workspaces that impact employee health and wellbeing. To optimize the health of your office and keep your employees on track of their resolutions, below is a list of office to do’s in 2019.

Workplace Resolutions: Designing Healthy Office Habits Walking Meetings

1. Walking Meetings

One way to help you get into shape: walk and talk. Try holding your meetings while walking the perimeter of your office or taking a stroll outside. Need to just get away from your desk? Walking alone is a healthy way to digest information, clear your mind, and let new thoughts and ideas percolate. According to Inc. Magazine, walking can help improve your creativity, trim your waistline, increase productivity, and boost your attitude. Go ahead, walk your way into 2019.


adjustable height desks

2. Adjustable Height Desks

Sitting for extended periods of time can lead to chronic back pain, poor posture, and overall malaise. Embrace a new way of working! Swap out traditional desks with either a height-adjustable desk, or for the exercise-focused, a treadmill desk. That way, you can divide your days between sitting and standing and enjoy the benefits of getting up and down throughout the day. Your heart (and other muscles in you body) will thank you.

Related Article: Workspace Design Trends for Greater Productivity


healthy snacks in the office

3. Healthy Snacks

We’re seeing a lot of our clients update their vending machines with healthy choices (think carrots and granola bars). Bring that “eat healthy” attitude to your conference and staff meetings. Put out fresh fruit, pretzels and other low-calorie foods. Don’t worry, you don’t have to forgo the cookies and brownies. Simply supplement the richer desserts with healthier ones to give employees options of what to snack on.

Related Download: Optimize Your Office Space (free ebook)

4. Space Planning

With great space planning, comes great mobility. Designing your office to reflect a more balanced, agile design will help increase employee mobility. Offering a variety of seating options — lounge areas, huddle rooms, and seating clusters throughout the office — will encourage employees to “get up and move” as they set-up shop in different locations.

Resolutions are hard. But integrating reminders into the everyday work life can help keep staff on track. In addition to office perks, such as healthy meals and gym memberships, let comfort and employee wellbeing be your driving design factors for 2019.

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Tags: Employee Productivity, Healthy Environments, Workplace Optimization

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